Sutta Pitaka
Samyutta Nikàya
Division I Ý Sagàtha
Book 8 Ý Vaïgãsa Thera Saüyutta
(Chapter 1 Ý Vaïgãsa Vaggo)

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammàsambuddhassa.


8. 1. 1.

(1) Nikkhantam Ý Renouncing

1. I heard thus. At one time venerable Vaïgãsa lived in Alavi in the Aggalavi monument with his teacher Nigrodha Kappa.

2. At the time venerable Vaïgãsa was a novice, one who had gone forth recently. He was living under the orders of the chief resident monk.

3. Then many women who were anxious to wander about in the monastery, decorating themselves approached the monastery.

4. Seeing those women, venerable Vaïgãsa was discontented, lust arising in his mind.

5. Then it occurred to venerable Vaïgãsa: `This is not gain for me. This should not happen to me, this discontent with lust arising in my mind. How could I dispel the discontent of others and arouse contentment in their hearts. What if I dispel my discontent and arouse contentment in my heart?û

6. Then venerable Vaïgãsa dispelled his discontent and aroused contentment in his heart and uttered these stanzas that moment.

ßI renounced my household and became homeless in want of appeasement,
Yet these dark unruly thoughts disturb me. I'm one, thoroughly trained,
Uggaputta of Mahisa is my teacher. Let any amount of women come and surround.
I will not go away from the Community, they will not change me.
I am well established in the Teaching.û
I thoroughly know the words of the relation of the Sun.
My mind is well established in the path of extinction.
Even when living thus, the Evil One pounces on me.
I will not let Death know my path.û


8. 1. 2.

(2) Arati Ý Discontent

1. I heard thus. At one time venerable Vaïgãsa lived in Alavi in the Aggalavi monument with his teacher Nigrodha Kappa.

2. At the time venerable Vaïgãsa was a novice, one who had gone forth recently. He was living under the orders of the chief resident monk.

3. During that time venerable Nigrodha Kappa returned to the monastery after the alms round and after the meal. Even in the evening he leaves the monastery or the next day.

4. At such times, venerable Vaïgãsa was discontented, with lust arising in his mind.

5. Then it occurred to venerable Vaïgãsa: ßThis is not gain for me. This should not happen to me, this discontent, with lust arising in my mind. How could I dispel the discontent of others and arouse contentment in their hearts. What if I dispel my discontentment and arouse contentment in my heart?û

6. Then venerable Vaïgãsa dispelled his discontentment and aroused contentment in his heart and uttered these stanzas that moment.

ßDispelling discontentment, attachment and all worldly thoughts
Not craving for anything in the world,
Endures freedom, from lust and attachment,
All material in the whole world, on earth or in the sky
Are impermanent, decay, knowing this,
I behave with the self released.
People are enslaved to endearments seeing, hearing, or sensing angrily.
Dispel that interest unmoved. If you are not soiled there,you are a sage.
On account of sixty wrongly clung thoughts
The ordinary man does unrighteous things.
The bhikkhu does not take sides, nor make lewd speech.
With a cause, he is concentrated throughout a long time.
Not deceitful, he is clever and not greedy,
He has attained appeasement on account of the sage.
And extinguished, he marks time.û


8. 1. 3.

(3) Pesala Atimaいana Ý Belittling the Well-behaved Bhikkhus

1. I heard thus. At one time venerable Vaïgãsa lived in Alavi in the Aggalavi monument with his teacher Nigrodha Kappa.

2. At the time venerable Vaïgãsa proud of his understanding belittled well-behaved bhikkhus.

3. Then it occurred to venerable Vaïgãsa: `This is not gain for me. This should not happen to me. I am proud of my understanding and belittle well-behaved bhikkhus.û

4. Then venerable Vaïgãsa counseled himself arousing remorse for his pride and that moment said these stanzas.

ßDisciples of Gotama, dispel conceit and the sources from which it rise
Until all sources of conceit are dispelled be remorseful for it
Through the mouth you become merciless. The conceited fall in hell
The conceited born in hell suffer long. The bhikkhu who has won the path,
And rightfully fallen to that path never grieve any more.
They enjoy fame and pleasantness. To this is called, attachment to the Teaching.
Therefore make endeavor, pull the arrow and dispelling obstacles be pure.
And understand, make an end of unpleasantness and be calmed.û


8. 1. 4.

(4) ânanda Ý Venerable ânanda

1. At one time venerable ânanda was living in the monastery offered by Anàthapiõóika in Jeta's grove in Sàvatthi.

2. Then venerable ânanda putting on robes in the morning and taking bowl and robes entered Sàvatthi for alms with venerable Vaïgãsa as the second recluse.

3. At that time, venerable Vaïgãsa was discontented, with lust arising in his mind.

4. Then venerable Vaïgãsa said this stanza to venerable ânanda:

ßMy mind is burning with sensual greed,
I am a disciple of Gotama; Please tell me, how should I purify my mind?û


5. ßYour mind is burning because of a distorted perception
Avoid that passionate sign, you have welcomed
Reflect determinations as foreign, unpleasant and lacking a self.
Extinguish greed altogether and do not be burnt again and again.
Develop loathsomeness and concentrate the mind in one point.
Develop mindfulness of the body for welfare and turn away with disgust
Develop the mind without a sign and expel the tendency to measure.
Thus overcoming measuring live appeased.û


8. 1. 5.

(5) Subhasita Ý Faultless Words

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anàthapiõóika in Jeta's grove in Sàvatthi.

2. From there, the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus.

3. And those bhikkhus said: ßYes, venerable sir.û

4. The Blessed One said: ßBhikkhus, words, endowed with four factors become good, not wrongly uttered, faultless and not blamed by the wise. What four?

5. ßHere, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu says only good words, talks only the Teaching nothing outside. Utters pleasant words not the unpleasant and tells the truth not a lie. Bhikkhus, endowed with these four factors words, become good, not wrongly uttered, faultless and not blamed by the wise.û

6. The Well Gone One; the Teacher further said thus:

ßThe appeased said that good words are noble
Utter, words about the Teaching, not outside, that's the second
Third is, utter pleasant words not the unpleasant.
And tell the truth not lies, that is the fourth.û

7. Then venerable Vaïgãsa got up from his seat, arranged his robe and clasping hands towards the Blessed One said: ßVenerable sir, Blessed One, it occurs to me.û

8. The Blessed One said ßVaïgãsa, say it.û

9, Venerable Vaïgãsa said these meaningful stanzas in the presence of the Blessed One:

ßSay only those words, that do not arouse remorse in you,
And do not hurt others. They are good words.
Say pleasant words and rejoice later.
Talk pleasant words to others, without hurting them.
The truth does not die. This is the ancient lore.
The appeased are established in the truth, useful and the righteous
And the appeased words of the Enlightened One,
To end unpleasantness are the most noble of words.û


8. 1. 6.

(6) Sàriputta Ý Venerable Sàriputta

1. At one time venerable Sàriputta was living in the monastery offered by Anàthapiõóika in Jeta's grove in Sàvatthi.

2. At that time venerable Sàriputta was advising, inciting, gladdening, and making light the hearts of the bhikkhus with words that were polite, well enunciated, only those that explained the Teaching; and the bhikkhus too were listening with complete attention to absorb the essential.

3. Then it occurred to venerable Vaïgãsa: ßVenerable Sàriputta is advising, inciting, gladdening and making light, the hearts of the bhikkhus with words, that are polite, well enunciated and words that only explained the Teaching and the bhikkhus too are listening with complete attention to absorb the essential. What if I praise venerable Sàriputta in his presence with a meaningful stanza?û

4. Then venerable Vaïgãsa got up from his seat, arranged his robe and clasping hands towards venerable Sàriputta said: ßFriend Sàriputta, it occurs to me.û

5. Venerable Sàriputta said ßVaïgãsa, say it.û

6. Venerable Vaïgãsa said this meaningful stanzas in the presence of venerable Sàriputta:

ßWise Sàriputta with deep wisdom is clever in the path and non path.
He teaches the bhikkhus, in brief and explains in detail,
His quiet explanations are like grains of rice falling noiselessly. The bhikkhus listen delighted and enticed to the lovely speech,
It is as though, they want to partake sweet honey.û


8. 1. 7.

(7) Pavàraõa Ý The Ceremony Ending The Rains

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the Pubba monastery, with about five hundred bhikkhus, all worthy ones, in the palace of Migara's mother in Sàvatthi.

2. On that full moon day, the Blessed One was seated in open space surrounded by the Community of bhikkhus for the ceremony to end the rains.

3. The Blessed One looking at the silent Community of bhikkhus addressed them:

4. ßBhikkhus, this is the end of the rains. Have you any blames for my bodily or verbal activities.û

5. Then venerable Sàriputta got up from his seat, arranged his robe and clasping hands towards the Blessed One said:ûVenerable sir, there is no blame for the Blessed One for any bodily or verbal activities. The Blessed One is the founder of the path, that had not arisen, that was not known and was not declared. The Blessed One knows the path and is clever in the path, the disciples at present live following the Blessed One. Venerable sir, I too inform the Blessed One to end the rains. Has the Blessed One any blames for my bodily and verbal activities?û

6. ßSàriputta, I do not blame you for any bodily or verbal activities. Your wisdom, is deep, has a wide spread out, is with mirth, comes at the right moment, is sharp and is with penetration. The eldest son of the Universal Monarch rolls the wheel rolled by the father righteously. In the same manner, you righteously continue rolling the wheel of the Teaching set rolling by me.û

7. ßVenerable sir, the Blessed One does not blame me for any bodily or verbal activities. Venerable sir, the Blessed One does not blame these five hundred bhikkhus too for any bodily or verbal activities.û

8. ßSàriputta, these five hundred bhikkhus too have no blame for any bodily or verbal activity. Sixty of them are endowed with the threefold knowledge. Sixty of them with deep six fold knowledge. Sixty are released both ways. The others are released wisely seeing.

9. Then venerable Vaïgãsa got up from his seat, arranged his robe and clasping hands towards the Blessed One said:

10. ßVenerable sir, Blessed One, it occurs to me.û

11. The Blessed One said ßVaïgãsa, say it.û

12. Venerable Vaïgãsa said these meaningful stanzas in the presence of the Blessed One:

ßOn this fifteenth day of the full moon, five hundred purified bhikkhus, have gathered.
They are sages bonds cut, unconfused and rebirth destroyed.
Like a universal monarch and ministers who have reached land after crossing the ocean.
The victorious, noble, caravan leader is associated by the disciples.
They are versed in the threefold knowledge, have left behind death.
Idlers are not evident, all have destroyed craving. I worship you, the relation of the sun.


8. 1. 8.

(8) Parosahassaü Ý More Than a Thousand

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anàthapiõóika in Jeta's grove in Sàvatthi.

2. At that time the Blessed One was advising, inciting, gladdening and making light, the hearts of the bhikkhus with a talk connected with extinction and the bhikkhus too were listening with complete attention to absorb the essential.

3. Then it occurred to venerable Vaïgãsa: ßThe Blessed One is advising, inciting, gladdening and making light, the hearts of the bhikkhus with a talk connected with extinction and the bhikkhus too are listening with complete attention to absorb the essential. What if I praise the Blessed One in his presence with meaningful stanzas.û

4. Then venerable Vaïgãsa got up from his seat, arranged his robe and clasping hands towards the Blessed One said:

ßVenerable sir, Blessed One, it occurs to me.û

5. The Blessed One said ßVaïgãsa, say it.û

6. Venerable Vaïgãsa said these meaningful stanzas in the presence of the Blessed One:

ßMore than a thousand bhikkhus associate the Well Gone One
Who is preaching the pure extinguishing Teaching without fear.
The Community of bhikkhus listens to the rightfully Enlightened One.
The Community of bhikkhus with the Enlightened One at the head shines.
The Blessed One, the seventh of the sages is known as a Great Being.
He has become a rainy cloud that rains on the disciples.
I desire to see my Teacher, he has gone for seclusion during the day
Great hero, Vaïgãsa your disciple worship your feet.û

7. ßVaïgãsa, are these stanzas pre thought, or do they come to you at the moment?û

8. ßVenerable sir, these stanzas are not pre thought, they come to me at the moment.

9. ßThen Vaïgãsa, for more enjoyment say some stanzas that come to you this moment.û

10. Venerable Vaïgãsa accepting the offer of the Blessed One for more enjoyment said these stanzas that came to him that moment.

ßOverlooking the side tracks of Màra behaves breaking asunder all obstacles.
Look how he releases them, from bonds, as though dividing the food to enjoy.
To cross the floods various paths are explained
The deathless state is told, they see it through the mirror of the Teaching unmoved.
The bringer of light penetratingly saw the state beyond all stations of consciousness.
Knowing and realizing the highest, the Blessed One showed eight stations.
The Teaching is so well proclaimed, who would be negligent and not learn it?
Therefore diligently worship and be trained in the dispensation of the Blessed One.û


8. 1. 9.

(9) Koõóaいo Ý Venerable Aいa Koõdaいa

1. At one time the Blessed One lived in the squirrels' sanctuary in the bamboo grove in Rajagaha.

2. Then venerable Aいasikondaいa after a very long time, approached the Blessed One, put his head at the feet of the Blessed One, kissed and stroked the feet and said Am Kondaいa, Blessed One, I am Kondaいa Well Gone One.

3. Then it occurred to venerable Vaïgãsa: ßVenerable Aいasi Kondaいa after a very long time, approached the Blessed One, put his head at the feet of the Blessed One, kissed and stroked the feet and says I am Kondaいa, Blessed One, I am Kondaいa Well Gone One. What if I praise venerable Aいasikondaいa in the presence of the Blessed One with suitable stanzas?û

4. Then venerable Vaïgãsa got up from his seat, arranged his robe and clasping hands towards the Blessed One said: ßVenerable sir, Blessed One, it occurs to me.û

5. The Blessed One said ßVaïgãsa, say it.û

6. Venerable Vaïgãsa said these meaningful stanzas in the presence of the Blessed One, alluding to venerable Aいasi Kondaいa:

ßKondaいa the elder who firmly went forth,
Was the next in order, to be enlightened after the Blessed
He constantly enjoys pleasant abidings of the mind.
He has done his duties in the dispensation of the Teacher
He is powerful with the threefold knowledge
And is clever in knowing the thoughts of others
Kondaいa the disciple of the Enlightened One
Worships the feet of the Teacher.û


8. 1. 10.

(10) Moggallàna Ý Venerable Mahàmoggallàna

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in Rajagaha on the Black Rock on the side of Isigili, with about five hundred bhikkhus all worthy ones. At the time venerable MahàMoggallàna was searching the minds of these bhikkhus to see whether they were released and without desires.

2. Then it occurred to venerable Vaïgãsa, ßThe Blessed One is living in Rajagaha on the Black Rock on the side of Isigili, with about five hundred bhikkhus all worthy ones. Venerable MahàMoggallàna is searching the minds of these bhikkhus to see whether they are released and are without desires What if I praise venerable MahàMoggallàna in the presence of the Blessed One with suitable stanzas.?û

3. Then venerable Vaïgãsa got up from his seat, arranged his robe and clasping hands towards the Blessed One said: ßVenerable sir, Blessed One, it occurs to me.û

4. The Blessed One said ßVaïgãsa, say it.û

5. Venerable Vaïgãsa said these meaningful stanzas in the presence of the Blessed One, alluding to venerable MahàMoggallàna:

ßThe sage gone beyond unpleasantness sits on the side of the Great Being.
Associates disciples examining their attainments of the threefold knowledge
Moggallàna is powerful and knows their release and the ending of desires
The sages endowed with many powers are associating Gotama.


8. 1. 11.

(11) Gaggara Ý On the Bank of the Gaggara Pond

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in Champa on the bank of the Gaggara pond with about five hundred bhikkhus, seven hundred male lay disciples, about seven hundred female lay disciples and with innumerable thousands of deities. There the Blessed One supercedes all of them in beauty and fame.

2. Then it occurred to venerable Vaïgãsa: ßThe Blessed One is living in Champa on the bank of the Gaggara pond with about five hundred bhikkhus, seven hundred male lay disciples, about seven hundred female lay disciples and with innumerable thousands of deities. There the Blessed One supercedes all of them in beauty and fame. What if I praise the Blessed One in his presence with a meaningful stanza.û

3. Then venerable Vaïgãsa got up from his seat, arranged his robe and clasping hands towards the Blessed One said: ßVenerable sir, Blessed One, it occurs to me.û

4. The Blessed One said ßVaïgãsa, say it.û

5. Venerable Vaïgãsa said these meaningful stanzas in the presence of the Blessed One:

ßThe moon spreads its rays in a cloudless sky, in the same manner,
Great sage, you supercede in fame in the whole world.û


8. 1. 12.

(12) Vaïgãsa Ý Venerable Vaïgãsa

1. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anàthapiõóika in Jeta's grove in Sàvatthi.

2. At that time venerable Vaïgãsa had attained worthiness and was enjoying that bliss and said these stanzas:

ßEarlier I went from village to village and from town to town,
Intoxicated about my ability to express in verses
Then I saw the rightfully Enlightened One and he aroused faith in me,
He taught me about the masses, mental faculties and elements.
Then I went forth as a homeless.
For the good of many the sage realized enlightenment
For the bhikkhus and bhikkhunis to attain their aims
It's for my good that I came to the presence of the Blessed One
I attained the threefold knowledge, did my duty in the dispensation.
I know previous births, purified my heavenly eye,
And I am clever in reading the minds of others.