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This is a partial index of numerically arranged topics that appear in the suttas available here at Access to Insight.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 13 | 18 | 20 | 31 | 32 | 36 | 37 | 108
1 — One ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Food: Khp 4
Quality leading to benefits in this life and the next: Iti 23
Quality that leads to the development of the five faculties: SN XLVIII.56
Quality to be abandoned: Iti 1, Iti 2, Iti 3, Iti 4, Iti 5, Iti 6
Taste: Ud V.5
Transgression that leads to evil: Iti 25
2 — Two ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Assistance, kinds of: Iti 98, Iti 100
Bodily conduct, kinds of: DN 21
Dhamma discourses given in sequence: Iti 39
Ease, causes of living with: Iti 29
Equanimity, kinds of: DN 21
Extremes: SN XII.15, SN LVI.11, Ud VI.8
Feelings: SN XXXVI.22
Fermentations (asava), qualities that lead to the ending of: Iti 37
Fools: AN II.21, AN II.98
Forms, kinds of: DN 21
Gifts, kinds of: Iti 98, Iti 100
Grief, kinds of: DN 21
Guardians: AN II.9
Heaven, causes of rebirth in: Iti 33
Hell, causes of rebirth in: Iti 32, Iti 48
Joy, kinds of: DN 21
Mass-donations, kinds of: Iti 100
Name-and-Form (nama-rupa): Khp 4
Nibbana, aspects of: Iti 44
Pains: SN XXXVI.6
People who slander the Tathagata: AN II.23, AN II.25
Remorse, causes of: Iti 30
Remorse, causes of no: Iti 31
Safeguards of the world: Iti 42
Searches, kinds of: DN 21, MN 26
Sharing, kinds of: Iti 98, Iti 100
Stress, causes of: Iti 28
Thinking, sorts of: MN 19
Trains of thought that often occur to the Tathagata: Iti 38
Unbinding property, forms of: Iti 44
Verbal conduct, kinds of: DN 21
Views: MN 11
Wise persons: AN II.21
3 — Three ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Actions, kinds of: AN III.15
Acquisitions of a self: DN 9
Becoming, kinds of: SN XII.2
Bliss, kinds of: Iti 76
Causes for the origination of actions: AN III.33
Cleanliness, kinds of: Iti 66
Cravings: Iti 58
Defilements: SN III.23, AN III.65
Dhamma, properties of: AN III.134
Divine sounds: Iti 82
Dukkha, kinds of: SN XXXVIII.14
Escape, properties of: Iti 72
Eyes: Iti 61
Fabrications, characteristics of: AN III.47
Fabrications, kinds of: SN XII.2, SN XLI.6
Faculties: Iti 62
Falling away of a monk, things that lead to the: Iti 79
False Dhamma, forms of: Iti 89
Feeling, kinds of: DN 15, MN 59, SN XXXVI.19, SN XXXVI.22, Iti 52, Iti 53, Khp 4
Fermentations: Iti 56, Iti 57
Fires (passion, aversion, delusion): Iti 93
Fool, qualities of: AN III.2
Good conduct, kinds of: Iti 65
Governing principles: AN III.40
Grounds for meritorious action: Iti 60
Internal stains/enemies/murderers: Iti 88
Intoxication, forms of: AN III.38
Investigation, modes of: SN XXII.57
Miracles: DN 11, AN III.60
Misconduct, kinds of: Iti 64
Palaces of the Buddha: AN III.38
People, types of: AN III.22, Iti 75
Persons appearing in the world for the benefit of many: Iti 84
Properties: Iti 51
Qualities a successful monk possesses: Iti 59
Roots of unskillful action: Iti 50
Sagacity, forms of: AN III.120, Iti 67
Searches: Iti 54, Iti 55
Sectarian guilds: AN III.61
Sensual pleasures, ways of obtaining: Iti 95
Sick people, types of: AN III.22
Sons and daughters, types of: Iti 74
Stressfulness, kinds of: SN XXXVIII.14
Supreme objects of confidence: Iti 90
Teacher: frames of reference for becoming a good, MN 137; kinds of, DN 12
Themes: AN III.100 (xi-xv)
Thoughts, skillful: Iti 87
Thoughts, unskillful: Iti 80, Iti 87
Times: Iti 63
Trainings: AN III.88, AN III.89
Uposathas: AN III.70
Urgent duties of a farming householder: AN III.91
Urgent duties of a monk: AN III.91
Wise person, qualities of a: AN III.2
Worldly and harmful qualities: SN III.23
Worthy qualities of a monk: AN III.94
4 — Four ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Amazing qualities of Ananda: DN 16
Amazing qualities of a universal monarch: DN 16
Answering questions, ways of: AN IV.42
Archers: SN XX.6
Assurances: AN III.65
Attainments, specific: DN 16
Bases of power (iddhi): SN LI.20, also: "The Four Bases of Power" in The Wings to Awakening
Birthplaces of craving: Iti 105
Bliss, kinds of: AN IV.62
Bonds of fellowship, grounds for: AN IV.32
Born, things that are: AN IV.200
Brahma-viharas: AN III.65
Causes for the body to come into existence: AN IV.159
Clinging, kinds of: SN XII.2
Concentration, developments of: AN IV.41
Courses of action: AN IV.115
Craving, birthplaces of: Iti 105
Determinations: MN 140
Discernment, qualities of a person with great: AN IV.35
Family losing/preserving its wealth, causes of: AN IV.255
Fear of death, ways of overcoming: AN IV.184
Floods: SN XLV.171
Flow, types of individuals who go with or against the: AN IV.5
Frames of reference: SN XLVII.6, SN XLVII.7, SN LII.10, also: "The Four Frames of Reference" in The Wings to Awakening
Generation, kinds of: MN 12
Horse-training, methods of: AN IV.111
Searches: ignoble, AN IV.252; noble, AN IV.252
Kamma, kinds of: MN 57, AN IV.235
Noble ones, pairs of: MN 118, Sn II.1
Noble Truths: AN III.61, SN LVI.11, Khp 4
Noble understandings: AN IV.1
Nothing, things that are next to: Iti 101
Nutriments: SN XII.64
Off-course, ways of straying ~ in one's practice: AN IV.19
Paths to arahantship: AN IV.170
People, types of (fettered & unfettered): MN 66
People, types of (heading for darkness or light): AN IV.85
People, types of (practicing for oneself & others): AN IV.95, AN IV.96
People, types of (tranquillity & insight): AN IV.94
Perceptions: AN X.29
Personal traits that can be gauged by others: AN IV.192
Persons resembling thunderheads, kinds of: AN IV.102
Persons worthy of a stupa (burial mound): DN 16
Perversions of perception: AN IV.49
Pilgrimage sites (places to make merit): DN 16
Pleasant abidings in the here and now: AN V.179
Practice, modes of: AN X.29
Practices, ways of taking on: MN 45
Properties (dhatu; earth, liquid, fire, wind): DN 9, MN 28, MN 33, MN 109, SN XXII.56, SN XXII.57, SN XXXV.197, AN XI.18
Qualities that lead one to Nibbana: AN IV.37
References, great: DN 16
Right exertions: "The Four Right Exertions" in The Wings to Awakening
Speech, kinds of right: Sn III.3
Stream-entry, factors of: SN LV.30, SN LV.31, SN LV.32, SN LV.33, AN X.92
Things not to be disparaged for being young: SN III.1
Thoroughbred horses and persons, kinds of: AN IV.113
Traditions of the Noble Ones: AN IV.159
Unconjecturables (questions not worth asking): AN IV.77
Unyokings: AN IV.10
Vices: DN 31
Views about the Tathagata after death: SN XXII.86
Warrior, qualities of: AN IV.181
Wealth and happiness, conditions for: AN VIII.54
Wheels of prosperity: AN IV.31
Wilderness, qualities required for living in: AN IV.259
Yokes: AN IV.10
5 — Five ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Aggregates: SN XXII.48, SN XXII.56, SN XXII.85, SN XXXV.197, Khp 4. See also: "The Five Aggregates" (Study Guide)
Aggregates of one beyond training: SN III.24
Attachments: Dhp 370
Concentration, factors of Noble Right: AN V.28
Concentration, realizations arising from immeasurable: AN V.27
Consummate, ways of being: AN V.130
Destinations: MN 12
Dreams that appeared to the Buddha: AN V.196
Escape, mental qualities leading to: AN V.200, AN VI.13
Exertion, factors of: MN 90
Exhortations for new monks: AN V.114
Faculties: SN XLVIII.10, Dhp 370, also: "The Five Faculties" in The Wings to Awakening
Fear and animosity, forms of: AN X.92
Feelings: SN XXXVI.22
Fetters: Dhp 370
Future dangers: AN V.77
Generosity, fruits of: AN V.34
Gifts, great: AN VIII.39
Gifts, timely: AN V.36
Giving a meal, things given when: AN V.37
Giving, qualities of ~ from a person of integrity: AN V.148
Grave deeds: AN V.129
Hatred, ways of subduing: AN V.161, AN V.162
Hindrances: SN III.24, SN XLVI.51, AN IX.64
Lay-follower, qualities that make one a good/bad: AN V.175
Listening to Dhamma, rewards of: AN V.202
Loss, kinds of: AN V.130
Omens of a deva's imminent death: Iti 83
Pleasant things that are hard to obtain: AN V.43
Possibilities that don't exist during meditation: AN V.176
Questions, motives behind: AN V.165
Reflections for a practitioner of mindfulness of breathing: AN V.96, AN V.97, AN V.98
Rewards a lay person can expect for having conviction: AN V.38
Sensuality, strings of: MN 26, MN 66, MN 105, SN XLVII.6, SN XLVII.7
Sick, contemplations to maintain when one is: AN V.121
Speech, aspects of suitable: MN 21
Speech, factors of well-spoken: AN V.198
Strengths: AN V.2, also: "The Five Strengths" in The Wings to Awakening
Subjects for frequent recollection: AN V.57. See also "Five Subjects for Frequent Recollection" in A Chanting Guide.
Supporting factors for right view: AN V.025
Teaching, qualities required for: AN V.159
Training, things that weaken the: AN IX.63
Warriors, types of: AN V.75
Wealth, benefits to be obtained from: AN V.41
Wings to Awakening, prerequisites for: AN IX.1
Wishes that can never come true: AN V.49
Worthy qualities of a king's elephant: AN V.139, AN V.140
Worthy qualities of a monk: AN V.139, AN V.140
Wrong livelihood, types of: AN V.177
6 — Six ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Actions of an arahant: AN VI.55
Amiability, conditions leading to: AN VI.12
Calmings: SN XXXVI.11
Conditions to be remembered: DN 16
Consciousness, classes of: MN 137, MN 148, SN XII.2
Contact, classes of: MN 137, MN 148, SN XII.2
Craving, classes/spheres of: MN 148, SN XII.2, SN XXXV.88
Distress, kinds of: household, MN 137; renunciation, MN 137
Equanimity, kinds of: household, MN 137; renunciation, MN 137
Feeling, classes of: MN 148, SN XII.2, SN XXII.56, SN XXII.57 SN XXXVI.22
Grave deeds: AN VI.87
Hooks {senses}: SN XXXV.189
Joy, kinds of: household, MN 137; renunciation, MN 137
Obstructions to realizing the Dhamma: AN VI.86
Perception, kinds of: AN VI.63
Properties: MN 140, AN III.61
Qualities: required for achieving the cooled state, AN VI.85; to help one realize the Dhamma, AN VI.88
Rewards of stream-entry: AN VI.97
Sense media: MN 140, SN XII.2, SN XII.15, SN XII.20, SN XII.23, SN XII.65, AN III.61, Khp 4; external, MN 137, MN 148, SN XXXV.197; internal, MN 137, MN 148, SN XXXV.197.
Sextets: MN 148
View-positions: MN 22
7 — Seven ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Awakening, factors for: DN 16, SN XLVI.1, SN XLVI.14, SN XLVI.51, Khp 4; also: "The Seven Factors for Awakening" in The Wings to Awakening
Bases: SN XXII.57
Consciousness, stations of: DN 15
Dhamma to last a long time, causes for the: AN VII.56
Drowsiness, things to shake off: AN VII.58
Enemy, things pleasing to your: AN VII.60
Friend, qualities of a: AN VII.35
Good qualities: MN 53, DN 16
Obsessions (anusaya): AN VII.11, AN VII.12
People, types of: AN VII.15
Perceptions: DN 16, AN VII.46
Qualities that make one worthy of gifts: AN VII.64
Sangha's long-term well-being, conditions for the: AN VII.21
Sexual attributes not worth attending to: AN VII.48
Treasures: AN VII.6, AN VII.7
8 — Eight ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Assemblies: DN 16, MN 12
Dimensions of mental mastery: AN X.29
Discernment, causes of: AN VIII.2
Downfall, causes of the ~ of families: SN XLII.9
Earthquakes, causes of: DN 16
Emancipations: DN 15
Happiness in this life and the next, causes of: AN VIII.54
Laziness, excuses for: AN VIII.80
Liberations: DN 16
Mastery, fields of: DN 16
Noble Eightfold Path: SN XII.65, SN XXII.56, SN XXII.57, SN XXXV.145, SN XLV.2, SN XLV.8, SN XLVII.40, SN LVI.11, Khp 4.
Noble ones, types of: Ud V.5, Sn II.1
Personal qualities that keep one in harmony with the Dhamma: AN VIII.53
Rare qualities in a person of wealth and power: AN VIII.23, AN VIII.24
Skillful conduct, rewards of: AN VIII.39
Thoughts of a great person: AN VIII.30
Unruly horses and unruly men: AN VIII.14
Uposatha practices: AN VIII.43, Sn II.14
Worldly conditions: AN VIII.6
9 — Nine ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Abodes: Khp 4
Arahantship, obstructions to: AN IX.62
Concentration, attainments of: AN IX.36, AN IX.41, AN IX.43, AN IX.44, AN IX.45
Impossible actions of an arahant: AN IX.7
Nibbana, ways to describe the pleasure of: AN IX.34
Openings in the body: AN IX.15
Perceptions: AN IX.16
Streams: Sn I.11
10 — Ten ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Actions (unwholesome): MN 41, MN 136
Actions (wholesome): MN 41, MN 136
Arahant, qualities of: Khp 4
Armies of Mara: Sn III.2
Benefits of contemplation of the body: MN 119
Fetters: AN X.13
Indeterminates (questions the Buddha refused to answer): MN 63
Inspiring qualities in a monk: MN 108
Noble dwellings: AN X.20
Perceptions: AN X.60
Perfections: See "The Ten Perfections" (Study Guide)
Praise, grounds for: AN X.70
Protective qualities of mind: AN X.17
Recollections: See "The Ten Recollections" (Study Guide)
Reflections for a monk: AN X.48a
Skillful qualities: MN 78
Totality-dimensions: AN X.29
11 — Eleven ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Benefits of metta (good will): AN XI.16
Doorways to the Deathless: MN 52, AN XI.17
Spiritual growth: obstructions to, MN 33, AN XI.18; supports to, MN 33, AN XI.18
13 — Thirteen ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Ascetic practices: Thag XVI.7
18 — Eighteen ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Craving-verbalizations: AN IV.199
Explorations for the intellect: MN 137, AN III.61
Feelings: SN XXXVI.22
20 — Twenty ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Factors siding with skillfulness: MN 117
Factors siding with unskillfulness: MN 117
31 — Thirty-one ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Planes of existence
32 — Thirty-two ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Parts of the body: SN XXXV.127, Khp 3. See also "Contemplation of the Body" in A Chanting Guide.
36 — Thirty-six ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Feelings: SN XXXVI.22
States to which beings are attached (satta-pada): MN 137
Streams: Dhp 339
37 — Thirty-seven ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Wings to Awakening (bodhipakkhiyadhamma): The Wings to Awakening
108 — One hundred eight ![[go to top]](icon/scrollup.gif)
Craving-verbalizations: AN IV.199
Feelings: SN XXXVI.22