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A Chanting Guide
The Dhammayut Order in the USA
Morning Chanting
Araha.m sammaa-sambuddho bhagavaa.
The Blessed One is Worthy & Rightly Self-awakened.
Buddha.m bhagavanta.m abhivaademi.
I bow down before the Awakened, Blessed One.
Svaakkhaato bhagavataa dhammo.
The Dhamma is well-expounded by the Blessed One.
Dhamma.m namassaami.
I pay homage to the Dhamma.
Supa.tipanno bhagavato saavaka-sa"ngho.
The Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples has practiced well.
Sa"ngha.m namaami.
I pay respect to the Sangha.
INVOCATION (by leader):
Yam-amha kho maya.m bhagavanta.m gataa,
We have gone for refuge to the Blessed One,
(uddissa pabbajitaa) yo no bhagavaa satthaa
(have gone forth on account of) the Blessed One who is our Teacher
yassa ca maya.m bhagavato dhamma.m rocema.
and in whose Dhamma we delight.
Imehi sakkaarehi ta.m bhagavanta.m sasaddhamma.m sasaavaka-sa"ngha.m abhipuujayaama.
With these offerings we worship most highly that Blessed One together with the True Dhamma & the Sangha of his disciples.
Handa maya.m buddhassa bhagavato pubba-bhaaga-namakaara.m karoma se:
Now let us chant the preliminary passage in homage to the Awakened One, the Blessed One:
[Namo tassa] bhagavato arahato sammaa-sambuddhassa. (Three times.)
Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Rightly Self-awakened One.
Praise for the Buddha ![[go to top]](../../../../icon/scrollup.gif)
Handa maya.m buddhaabhithuti.m karoma se:
Now let us give high praise to the Awakened One:
[Yo so tathaagato] araha.m sammaa-sambuddho,
He who has attained the Truth, the Worthy One, Rightly Self-awakened, sugato lokaviduu,
consummate in knowledge & conduct, one who has gone the good way, knower of the cosmos,
Anuttaro purisa-damma-saarathi satthaa deva-manussaana.m buddho bhagavaa;
unexcelled trainer of those who can be taught, teacher of human & divine beings; awakened; blessed;
Yo ima.m loka.m sadevaka.m samaaraka.m sabrahmaka.m, paja.m sadeva-manussa.m saya.m abhiññaa sacchikatvaa pavedesi.
who made known — having realized it through direct knowledge — this world with its devas, maaras, & brahmas, its generations with their contemplatives & priests, their rulers & common people;
Yo dhamma.m desesi;
who explained the Dhamma fine in the beginning, fine in the middle, fine in the end;
Tam-aha.m bhagavanta.m abhipuujayaami,
who expounded the holy life both in its particulars & in its essence, entirely complete, surpassingly pure:
Tam-aha.m bhagavanta.m abhipuujayaami,
Tam-aha.m bhagavanta.m sirasaa namaami.
I worship most highly that Blessed One,
To that Blessed One I bow my head down.
Praise for the Dhamma ![[go to top]](../../../../icon/scrollup.gif)
Handa maya.m dhammaabhithuti.m karoma se:
Now let us give high praise to the Dhamma:
[Yo so svaakkhaato] bhagavataa dhammo,
The Dhamma well-expounded by the Blessed One,
Sandi.t.thiko akaaliko ehipassiko,
to be seen here & now, timeless, inviting all to come & see,
Opanayiko paccatta.m veditabbo viññuuhi:
leading inward, to be seen by the wise for themselves:
Tam-aha.m dhamma.m abhipuujayaami,
Tam-aha.m dhamma.m sirasaa namaami.
I worship most highly that Dhamma,
To that Dhamma I bow my head down.
Praise for the Sangha ![[go to top]](../../../../icon/scrollup.gif)
Handa maya.m sa"nghaabhithuti.m karoma se:
Now let us give high praise to the Sangha:
[Yo so supa.tipanno] bhagavato saavaka-sa"ngho,
The Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples who have practiced well,
Uju-pa.tipanno bhagavato saavaka-sa"ngho,
the Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples who have practiced straightforwardly,
Ñaaya-pa.tipanno bhagavato saavaka-sa"ngho,
the Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples who have practiced methodically,
Saamiici-pa.tipanno bhagavato saavaka-sa"ngho,
the Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples who have practiced masterfully,
Yadida.m cattaari purisa-yugaani a.t.tha purisa-puggalaa:
i.e., the four pairs — the eight types — of Noble Ones:
Esa bhagavato saavaka-sa"ngho —
That is the Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples —
AAhuneyyo paahuneyyo dakkhi.neyyo añjali-kara.niiyo,
worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of offerings, worthy of respect,
Anuttara.m puññakkhetta.m lokassa:
the incomparable field of merit for the world:
Tam-aha.m sa"ngha.m abhipuujayaami,
Tam-aha.m sa"ngha.m sirasaa namaami.
I worship most highly that Sangha,
To that Sangha I bow my head down.
Salutation to the Triple Gem
The Topics for Chastened Dispassion ![[go to top]](../../../../icon/scrollup.gif)
Handa maya.m ratanattayappa.naama-gaathaayo ceva sa.mvega-vatthu-paridiipaka-paa.thañca bha.naama se:
Now let us recite the stanzas in salutation to the Triple Gem together with the passage on the topics inspiring a sense of chastened dispassion:
[Buddho susuddho] karu.naa-maha.n.navo,
Lokassa paapuupakilesa-ghaatako:
Vandaami buddha.m aham-aadarena ta.m.
The Buddha, well-purified, with ocean-like compassion,
Possessed of the eye of knowledge completely purified,
Destroyer of the evils & corruptions of the world:
I revere that Buddha with devotion.
Dhammo padiipo viya tassa satthuno,
Yo magga-paakaamata-bhedabhinnako,
Lokuttaro yo ca tad-attha-diipano:
Vandaami dhamma.m aham-aadarena ta.m.
The Teacher's Dhamma, like a lamp,
divided into Path, Fruition, & the Deathless,
both transcendent (itself) & showing the way to that goal:
I revere that Dhamma with devotion.
Sa"ngho sukhettaabhyatikhetta-saññito,
Yo di.t.tha-santo sugataanubodhako,
Lolappahiino ariyo sumedhaso:
Vandaami sa"ngha.m aham-aadarena ta.m.
The Sangha, called a field better than the best,
who have seen peace, awakening after the one gone the good way,
who have abandoned carelessness — the noble ones, the wise:
I revere that Sangha with devotion.
Vatthuttaya.m vandayataabhisa"nkhata.m,
Puñña.m mayaa ya.m mama sabbupaddavaa,
Maa hontu ve tassa pabhaava-siddhiyaa.
By the power of the merit I have made
in giving reverence to the Triple Gem
worthy of only the highest homage,
may all my obstructions cease to be.
Idha tathaagato loke uppanno araha.m sammaa-sambuddho,
Here, One attained to the Truth, Worthy & Rightly Self-awakened, has appeared in the world,
Dhammo ca desito niyyaaniko upasamiko parinibbaaniko sambodhagaamii sugatappavedito.
And Dhamma is explained, leading out (of samsara), calming, tending toward total Nibbana, going to self-awakening, declared by one who has gone the good way.
Mayan-ta.m dhamma.m sutvaa eva.m jaanaama,
Having heard the Dhamma, we know this:
Jaatipi dukkhaa jaraapi dukkhaa mara.nampi dukkha.m,
Birth is stressful, aging is stressful, death is stressful,
Soka-parideva-dukkha-domanassupaayaasaapi dukkhaa,
Sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress, & despair are stressful,
Appiyehi sampayogo dukkho piyehi vippayogo dukkho yamp'iccha.m na labhati tampi dukkha.m,
Association with things disliked is stressful, separation from things liked is stressful, not getting what one wants is stressful,
Sa"nkhittena pañcupaadaanakkhandhaa dukkhaa,
In short, the five clinging-aggregates are stressful,
Form as a clinging-aggregate,
Feeling as a clinging-aggregate,
Perception as a clinging-aggregate,
Mental processes as a clinging-aggregate,
Consciousness as a clinging-aggregate.
Yesa.m pariññaaya,
Dharamaano so bhagavaa,
Eva.m bahula.m saavake vineti,
So that they might fully understand this, the Blessed One, while still alive, often instructed his listeners in this way;
Eva.m bhaagaa ca panassa bhagavato saavakesu anusaasanii,
Bahula.m pavattati:
Many times did he emphasize this part of his admonition:
"Ruupa.m anicca.m,
"Form is inconstant,
Vedanaa aniccaa,
Feeling is inconstant,
Saññaa aniccaa,
Perception is inconstant,
Sa"nkhaaraa aniccaa,
Mental processes are inconstant,
Viññ anicca.m,
Consciousness is inconstant,
Ruupa.m anattaa,
Form is not-self,
Vedanaa anattaa,
Feeling is not-self,
Saññaa anattaa,
Perception is not-self,
Sa"nkhaaraa anattaa,
Mental processes are not-self,
Viññ anattaa,
Consciousness is not-self,
Sabbe sa"nkhaaraa aniccaa,
All processes are inconstant,
Sabbe dhammaa anattaati."
All phenomena are not-self."
Te (WOMEN: Taa ) maya.m,
Oti.n.naamha jaatiyaa jaraa-mara.nena,
Sokehi paridevehi dukkhehi domanassehi upaayaasehi,
Dukkh'oti.n.naa dukkha-paretaa,
All of us, beset by birth, aging, & death, by sorrows, lamentations, pains, distresses, & despairs, beset by stress, overcome with stress, (consider),
"Appeva naam'imassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa antakiriyaa paññaayethaati!"
"O, that the end of this entire mass of suffering & stress might be known!"
Cira-parinibbutampi ta.m bhagavanta.m uddissa arahanta.m sammaa-sambuddha.m,
Saddhaa agaarasmaa anagaariya.m pabbajitaa.
Though the total Liberation of the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Rightly Self-awakened One, was long ago, we have gone forth in faith from home to homelessness in dedication to him.
Tasmi.m bhagavati brahma-cariya.m caraama,
We practice that Blessed One's holy life,
(Bhikkhuuna.m sikkhaa-saajiiva-samaapannaa.
Fully endowed with the bhikkhus' training & livelihood.)
Ta.m no brahma-cariya.m,
Imassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa antakiriyaaya sa.mvattatu.
May this holy life of ours bring about the end of this entire mass of suffering & stress.
Cira-parinibbutampi ta.m bhagavanta.m gataa,
Dhammañca bhikkhu-sa"nghañca,
Though the total Liberation of the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Rightly Self-awakened One, was long ago, we have gone for refuge in him, in the Dhamma, & in the Bhikkhu Sangha,
Tassa bhagavato saasana.m yathaa-sati yathaa-bala.m manasikaroma,
We attend to the instruction of the Blessed One, as far as our mindfulness & strength will allow, and we practice accordingly.
Saa saa no pa.tipatti,
Imassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa antakiriyaaya sa.mvattatu.
May this practice of ours bring about the end of this entire mass of suffering & stress.
Reflection at the Moment of Using the Requisites ![[go to top]](../../../../icon/scrollup.gif)
Handa maya.m ta" bha.naama se:
Now let us recite the passage for reflection at the moment (of using the requisites):
[Pa.tisa"nkhaa yoniso] ciivara.m pa.tisevaami,
Considering it thoughtfully, I use the robe,
Yaavadeva siitassa pa.tighaataaya,
Simply to counteract the cold,
U.nhassa pa.tighaataaya,
To counteract the heat,
.Da.msa-makasa-vaataatapa-siri.msapa-samphassaana.m pa.tighaataaya,
To counteract the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, & reptiles;
Yaavadeva hirikopina-pa.ticchaadan'attha.m.
Simply for the purpose of covering the parts of the body that cause shame.
Pa.tisa"nkhaa yoniso pi.n.dapaata.m pa.tisevaami,
Considering it thoughtfully, I use alms food,
Neva davaaya na madaaya na ma.n.danaaya na vibhuusanaaya,
Not playfully, nor for intoxication, nor for putting on bulk, nor for beautification,
Yaavadeva imassa kaayassa .thitiyaa yaapanaaya vihi.msuparatiyaa brahma-cariyaanuggahaaya,
But simply for the survival & continuance of this body, for ending its afflictions, for the support of the holy life,
Iti puraa.nañca vedana.m pa.tiha"nkhaami navañca vedana.m na uppaadessaami,
(Thinking,) Thus will I destroy old feelings (of hunger) and not create new feelings (from overeating).
Yaatraa ca me bhavissati anavajjataa ca phaasu-vihaaro caati.
I will maintain myself, be blameless, & live in comfort.
Pa.tisa"nkhaa yoniso senaasana.m pa.tisevaami,
Considering it thoughtfully, I use the lodging,
Yaavadeva siitassa pa.tighaataaya,
Simply to counteract the cold,
U.nhassa pa.tighaataaya,
To counteract the heat,
.Da.msa-makasa-vaataatapa-siri.msapa-samphassaana.m pa.tighaataaya,
To counteract the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, & reptiles;
Yaavadeva utuparissaya-vinodana.m pa.tisallaanaaraam'attha.m.
Simply for protection from the inclemencies of weather and for the enjoyment of seclusion.
Pa.tisa"nkhaa yoniso gilaana-paccaya-bhesajja-parikkhaara.m pa.tisevaami,
Considering them thoughtfully, I use medicinal requisites for curing the sick,
Yaavadeva uppannaana.m veyyaabaadhikaana.m vedanaana.m pa.tighaataaya,
Simply to counteract any pains of illness that have arisen,
And for maximum freedom from disease.
The Lord Buddha taught that his Dhamma, when placed in the heart of an ordinary run-of-the-mill person, is bound to be thoroughly corrupted, but if placed in the heart of a Noble One, it is bound to be genuinely pure & authentic, something that at the same time can be neither effaced nor obscured.
So as long as we are devoting ourselves merely to the theoretical study of the Dhamma, it can't serve us well. Only when we have trained our hearts to eliminate their 'chameleons' — their defilements — will it benefit us in full measure. And only then will the true Dhamma be kept pure, free from distortions & deviations from its original principles.
— Phra Ajaan Mun Bhuuridatto