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Andy's Pali Words

A Pali-English Dictionary

containing 1412 Pali terms defined in English and 28, 874 English terms defined in Pali

HTML and minor edites by Jhanananda

(last updated 11-20-05)


First Edition, Rev 1

Great Western Vehcile
P. O. Box 41795,
Tucson, AZ. USA

First Edition 2005

©2005 Andy Shaw

The Preface To The First Edition

Andy Shaw's Andy's PaliWords is based upon the Buddhadatta Dictionary. Buddhadatta, A.P. (Ambalangoda Polvatte, (1887-1962) ? Concise Pali-English Dictionary," U. Chandradasa De Silva of Ahangama, Colombo Apothecaries Co. Ltd. 1957

Buddhadatta's Pali-English Dictionary

Errors corrected by Dr Gabriel Jîvasattha Bittar (Buddhayatana):
it's “accharaasa"nghaata,” not “accharaasa.nghaata;” “attaa,” not “atta;” “u.nhiisa,” not “unhiisa;” “kaamapa"nka,” not “kaamapa.nka.”
The waning moon fortnight (from full to new moon), for “kaa.lapakkha,” not the moonless fortnight “catura"nginii,” not “caturanginii catutthii,” not “cattutthii.ta"nka,” not “.tanka bhikkhunii,” not “bhikkhu.nii muti"nga” and “mudi"nga,” not “muti.nga” and “mudi.nga.” The waxing moon fortnight (from new to full moon), for “sukkapakkha,” not the bright half of a month.
Plants and animals: it should be uppercase for the Genus name, lowercase for the species name (not systematically corrected)Main typing errors in the original electronic version, corrected by GJB:
double (and wrong) entries suppressed for sa.myojana; seven compound words with katha.m; cha.la.msa
ñ (tilde n) problems solved for a dozen words.
it's “ta.nhiiyi, dentavida.msaka, braahma.nakaññaa, bhi.msana(ka), la"nghaapeti, laapuka.taaha, bhu.m+kar+o for bhu"nkaroti, vi + lagh + .m + a and vi + lagh + .m + e for vila"nghati and vila"ngheti, samukka.mseti etc.
it's Nauclea cordifolia for kadamba, not Cordiforlia
Pali Case Meaning Same Case
a prefix prefix aa shortened before a double consonant e.g. aa + kosati = akkosati; a negative prefixed to nouns, adjectives; and participles; e.g. na + kusala = akusala; the augment prefixed to some roots in the Past and Conditional Tenses; e.g. akaasi. aa (ind.), up to. (prep.) from; towards.

20,140 Pali terms defined in English

This HTML version of this dictionary was composed with miner edits made by Dhammaccariya Jhanananda (Jeffrey S, Brooks) for the benefit of all beings
221st day of a solo wilderness retreat
Death Valley National Forest
December 07, 2005

the Great Western Vehicle

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